Acest anunt este dedicat acelora dintre voi care doresc sa il citeasca.
Daca va doriti mult mult de tot o schimbare in viata voastra, in jurul vostru, in tara, daca va doriti sa luati parte la schimbare, daca va caracterizeaza sau vreti sa va caracterizeze responsabilitatea si initiativa, atunci puneti mana pe informatie!
S-a lansat blogul Lumea Educatiei. Pe acest blog minunat si colorat puteti gasi de acum cuvinte, propozitii, paragrafe, pagini, categorii, toate legate intre ele de etichete cum ar fi protejarea mediului, reducerea consumului, energie, paduri, discriminare, protejarea sanatatii si multe altele pe care nu le mai spun ca sunt prea multe.
Instructiuni de folosire a blogului:
1.necesita cunoasterea literelor alfabetului (toate) si deosebirea dintre click dreapta si click stanga acceseaza in maxim 2 zile de la primirea anuntului da mai departe (nu raspundem daca prietenii vostri afla ca stiati despre blog si nu le-ati spus) participa cu comentarii! (vezi punctul 1)
Va asteptam cu mare drag pe Blog!
Echipa, 23 Martie 2010Dear friends,
This announcement is meant for those of you interested in reading it.
If you really really want to change something in your life, around you, in the country, if you want to become part of the change, if responsibility and initiative are words that describe you, then hold on to this information!
We just launched Lumea Educatiei Blog. This wonderful and colorful blog contains words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, categories, all of them linked by labels such as protecting the environment, reducing consumption, forests, discrimination, protecting our health and others too many to include here.
How to use the blog:
- It requires knowing the letters of the alphabet (all of them) and being able to tell right-click from left-click.
- It needs to be accessed in maximum 2 days after receiving this notice.
- It is meant to be forwarded. (if your friends find out you knew about it and did not share it with them, we cannot be held responsible for the consequences)
- It requires your participation and comments! (see point 1)
We are looking forward to seeing you at Blog!
The Team, March 23rd, 2010