Incepand cu anul 2000, Canada a devenit un lider mondial in strategia sustinuta cu privire la reforma sistemului educational. Nu numai ca acolo studentii au rezultate bune, insa au rezultate bune indiferent de statutul socio-economic, de limba materna sau daca sunt cetateni sau imigranti recenti. Succesul Canadei a fost inregistrat intr-un sistem caracterizat de o mare diversitate, in special cu privire la limba vorbita si tara de origine. Aceasta scurta lucrare prezinta succesul Canadei, luand drept studiu de caz cea mai mare provincie a tarii, Ontario.
Lucrarea arata cum o aplicare constanta a unor obiective centrale si presiunea exercitata pentru rezultate imbunatatite, combinate cu cladire de capacitate si un mediu caracterizat de incredere si respect reciproc, au dus la inregistrarea unor progrese semnificative in Ontario.
Cititi documentul aici.
Since 2000, Canada has become a world leader in its sustained strategy of professionally-driven reform of its education system. Not only do its students perform well, they perform well despite their socio-economic status, first language or whether they are native Canadians or recent immigrants. Canada has achieved success within a system which features significant diversity, particularly with respect to issues of language and country of origin. This short paper takes an in-depth look at Canada’s success, taking the case study of the nation’s largest province, Ontario.
It shows how consistent application of centrally-driven pressure for higher results, combined with extensive capacity building and a climate of relative trust and mutual respect, have enabled the Ontario system to
achieve progress.
Read here.