Archive for the ‘ARET’ Category

10.000 de carti pentru 3000 de copii!10.000 books for 3000 children!

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Bucuresti, avem o provocare pentru tine! Vrem sa spargem gheata care s-a format in jurul cuvantului DONATIE. Pe 17 si 18 decembrie incepem sa strangem 10.000 de carti! Luna aceasta nu vorbim despre bani, ci despre carti.  Iar voi, oameni buni, sunteti cei care ne puteti ajuta.

Educatia nu-i asa cum poate sa fie. Sunt copii de gradinita si elevi care nu primesc educatia necesara pentru ca nu au… carti. CARTI? Nu de la carti incepe educatia? Nu sunt ele suportul pentru invatare?

Putem sa facem retorica toata luna decembrie sau putem sa strangem in 2 zile cartile de care 3000 de copiii au nevoie tot anul! Vorbim despre 34 de dascali din 10 judete care ne-au cerut ajutor, care au incredere ca impreuna facem educatie.

Va asteptam, deci, pe 17 si 18 decembrie (vineri si sambata) in locatiile:

  • British Council, Romania, Calea Dorobantilor nr. 14, (zona Piata Romana) vineri intre 12.00 si 18.30 si sambata intre 9.00 si 13.15
  • Centrul National al Dansului, cladirea TNB, latura nordica (acces pre Laptaria Enache), etaj 3 (zona Piata Universitate), vineri si sambata intre 9.00 si 18.00

Iata despre ce carti este vorba: lectura obligatorie si suplimentara pentru scoala primara, generala si liceu, carti de povesti, ilustrate, cu abtibilduri sau cu puzzle-uri, atlase, culegeri de matematica sau literatura, carti de specialitate, dictionare de limbi straine, DEX si DOOM. Listele complete intocmite de dascali pot fi citite aici:

Va invitam sa sustineti educatia alaturi de noi.

Mai multe informatii despre Program, modalitati de participare si donatii la

Copii vor sa-nvete. Hai sa-i ajutam!

Aceasta campanie este desfasurata in cadrul Programului Sustin Educatia impreuna cu Asociatia Invictus, cu sprijinul British Council si Centrul National al Dansului. Descarca tot comunicatul de presa aici.

Bucharest,we have a challenge for you! We want to break the ice around the word DONATION. On December 17 and 18 we will start collecting 10.000 books! This month we won’t be talking about money, but about books. And you, caring people, are the ones that can help us.

Education is not the way it’s supposed to be. There are children and students that don’t have the proper education because they don’t have…books. BOOKS?! Isn’t that how education starts in the first place? Aren’t books the support for learning?

We can debate on this topic the entire month of December or we can raise in these 2 days the books that 3000 children need for an entire year! We are talking about 34 teachers in 10 counties that asked for our help, that have faith that together we can make education happen.

We are waiting for you on December 17 and 18 (Friday and Saturday) at the following collection points:

  • British Council, Romania, Calea Dorobantilor nr. 14, (Piata Romana area) Friday between 12.00 and 18.30 hours and Saturday between 9.00 and 13.15
  • Centrul National al Dansului, TNB building, north side (acces through Laptaria Enache), third floor (Piata Universitate area), Friday and Saturday between 9.00 and 18.00 hours

The books that are needed are those from core and supplementary school reading materials, for primary, secondary and high school, story books, with puzzles, encyclopedias, exercise books, specific topics books, foreign languages dictionaries, DEX or DOOM. The full lists as proposed by teachers are available at:

We’re inviting you to join us in supporting education.

More information about the Program, ways to help and donate at

Children want to learn. Let’s help them!

This campaign is taking place as part of “Sustin Educatia” Program, together with Invictus Association, with the support of British Council and Centrul National al Dansului. Download the full press release here.

Impreuna facem educatie!Together we make education happen!

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Miercuri am lansat cu mare bucurie un proiect la care am lucrat cu totii cu mare spor in ultimele luni – Programul Sustin Educatia, un program national de micro-finantari pentru proiecte educationale, destinat in intregime cadrelor didactice.

Sustin Educatia este un program ce se adreseaza educatorilor, invatatorilor si profesorilor din scolile publice din Romania, dornici de a oferi copiilor conditii mai bune de studiu, prin obtinerea de finantari provenite din donatii private. Proiectul se adreseaza in acelasi timp tuturor persoanelor, organizatiilor si institutiilor din Romania care pot ajuta si isi doresc sa sprijine realizarea propiectelor propuse de dascali, prin donatii bancare, ePayment, prin mandat postal sau directionarea 2%.

Educatia de calitate este posibila si depinde de fiecare dintre noi.

Proiectele eligibile in cadrul Programului Sustin Educatia: pot fi din orice domeniu (matematica, literatura, fizica, ecologie, muzica, sport, etc.), de oriunde din tara, pot cuprinde o gama larga de resurse (carti, planse, echipament de laborator, machete, mulaje, softuri educationale, etc.), se pot adresa copiilor cu nevoi speciale, si pot cuprinde activitati educative formale, cat si non-formale.

Este un program initiat de A.R.E.T. in parteneriat cu Asociatia Invictus si aduce la un loc oameni si organizatii din mai multe domenii care doresc sa faca educatie. Cu totii dorim sa facem viitorul prin educatia copiilor.

Sunt multe de spus despre program, dar cel mai important este ca vine ca un raspuns pentru copiii care vor sa-nvete si pentru dascalii care vor sa-i ajute! Tot ce ne ramane noua de facut este sa rasfoim propunerile lor, sa alegem ce proiect dorim sa sustinem si sa donam atat cat putem.

Impreuna facem educatie!

On Wednesday we launched with great joy a project we have been working on for months – the Program I Support Education, a national program of micro-grants for educational projects.

I Support Education is a program aimed entirely at educators, teachers and professors in public schools in Romania, who wish to offer children a better teaching environment, by obtaining private funding. At the same time, the program is addressing all people, organisations and institutions in Romania that can help and want to support the educational projects proposed by teachers, through donations by bank transfers, ePayment, postal office or directing 2% of taxes.

Quality education is possible and depends on each of us!

Eligible projects for I Support Education Program can be from any field (math, literature, physics, ecology, music, sports, etc.), from anywhere in the country, can address a wide variety of resources (books, lab equipment, boards, models, educational software, etc.), can address children with special needs and can comprise both formal and non formal educational activities.

The program is initiated by A.R.E.T. in partnership with Invictus Association and it brings together people and organisations from many fields that want to make education happen. We all want to make the future through youth education.

There’s lots to say about the program, but the most important thing is that it comes as a response to children that want to learn and to teachers that want to help them! All we have to do is go through their proposals, choose a project we want to support and donate as much as we can.

Together we can make education happen!

Educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilorEducation is key to youth involvement

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Murdarie, mirosuri urate si gaze toxice. Fie ca le aruncam noi direct, fie ca sunt purtate de apa de ploaie sau rauri, multe din deseurile noastre ajung in mare, distrugand echilibrul ecosistemelor si afectand calitatea apei

Rezultatul oricaror decizii de astazi cade pe umarul generatiilor viitoare.
Prin proiectul dorim sa implicam tinerii cat mai activ in negocierile asupra mediului si schimbarilor climatice.

Am dezvoltat acest proiect pentru ca tinerii sa inteleaga care sunt pericolele de astazi si ce trebuie facut, sa inteleaga rolul dezvoltarii durabile. Tinerii trebuie sa cunoasca si sa previna impacturile propriilor actiuni si ale schimbarilor climatice de astazi. Tot ei trebuie sa incurajeze schimbarile de atitudine si comportament necesare pentru a aduce lumea noastra pe un drum mai bun, durabil.

Educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilor si depinde de tine! Ia atitudine pentru mediu azi!
Directioneaza 2% din impozitul pe venit in educatia pentru dezvoltare durabila.

Echipa,  18 februarie 2010Waste, bad smells and toxic gases. Either caused by us directly or carried by rain water or rivers, a lot of our waste ends up in the sea, destroying the balance of ecosystems and affecting water quality.

The result of any decisions taken today will fall upon the shoulders of next generations.
The goal of our project,, is to support youth in becoming actively involved in the negotiations regarding the environment and climate change.

We developed this project to support youth in better understanding today’s threats and the actions needed, to understand the role of sustainable development. Young people need to know and prevent the impact of their own actions and of climate changes. They also need to encourage the attitude and behavior changes required to bring our world on a better, more sustainable path.

Education is key for youth involvement and it depends on you! Take a stand for the environment today!
Direct 2% from the tax on income towards education for sustainable development.

The Team,  February 18th, 2010

La multi ani inainte noua!Long live us!

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Incepand de astazi, suntem pe fir, suntem conectati, suntem online!

In acest moment site-ul este simplu, dar acest lucru se va schimba. Pe masura ce site-ul nostru se va dezvolta, va vom oferi din ce in ce mai multe motive pentru a ne vizita. Voi veti fi din ce in ce mai vorbareti, veti discuta cu prietenii despre lucrurile pe care le veti gasi aici si comunitatea noastra va incepe sa creasca.

Acum lucram cu mult entuziasm la un proiect educational ce va fi lansat in trei luni. Trei luni lungi si insorite de asteptare din partea voastra si munca multa din partea noastra pentru a ne ridica la inaltimea asteptarilor. Un proiect pe care noi…care va…cand …doar daca…. ah, nu putem sa va spunem prea multe. Nu vrem sa stricam supriza si deja v-am dat prea multe detalii.

Concluzia este: suntem aici. Fiti draguti cu noi!

Echipa,  20 Iulie 2009Starting today we’re wired, we’re connected, we’re online!

At the moment the website is simple, but this will change. As our site unfolds we will give you lots of reasons to visit us. You will become chattier, you will talk to your friends about the stuff you find here and our community will begin to thrive.

Right now we are working with great enthusiasm on an educational project that will be launched in three months. Three long sunny months during which you will wait impatiently and we will work hard to meet your expectations. A project that we….that will….when…only if…ah, there’s not much we can tell you now. We don’t want to ruin the surprise and we already gave you too many details. :)

The bottom line is: we’re here . Be nice to us! !

The Team,  20 July 2009