Archive for May, 2010

“Cartile trebuie sa faca parte din viata fiecaruia.”“Books should be part of everyone’s life.”

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Sunt cuvintele Patriciei, noua noastra prietena pe care vrem sa o cunoasteti si voi.  Este o fata tanara, plina de initiativa si care vrea sa schimbe lumea incetul cu incetul, incepand cu sectorul 3 din Bucuresti.

Patricia ne vorbeste despre carti, despre rolul important pe care il joaca in viata noastra. Despre cum ele ne introduc in lumi de basm, despre cum ne pregatesc pentru viata si cum ne sunt aproape atunci cand suntem mari. Da, cu totii avem dreptul sa ne bucuram de carti, dar nu cu totii avem acces le ele. Aproximativ 50 de copii proveniti din centre de plasament isi doresc foarte mult sa citeasca, le place, dar nu au acces la lectura. Pentru ca putem, eu va propun sa schimbam acest lucru!

Haideti sa o ajutam pe Patricia sa amenajeze mici biblioteci pentru acesti copii si tineri mai putin norocosi. Haideti sa vorbim despre biblioteca mea, biblioteca voastra si cum ii putem ajuta pe ei sa aibe biblioteca lor.

Sigur aveti o carte pe care nu o mai cititi…sau mai multe. Carti ce isi arata varsta, carti cu colturile indoite, dar care nu merita aruncate sau uitate in pod. Carti ce pot fi daruite. Donati asadar! Sunt multe moduri de o face. Cel mai simplu este sa veniti la Bookfest in perioada 9-13 iunie si sa o cunoasteti pe Patricia si pe tinerii care i s-au alaturat in acest proiect.

Acest proiect este desfasurat impreuna cu Asociatia Studentească “Philos”, Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala pentru Protectia Copilului sector 3 si Anotimpul 5, cu sustinerea Bookfest.

Va invitam sa ii urmariti pas cu pas si sa ii ajutati!

These are the words of Patricia, our new friend we would like you to meet. She’s young, full of initiative and wants to slowly change the world, starting with the 3rd district of Bucharest.

Patricia came to us to talk about books and of the important role they play in our lives. How they introduce us to fairytale worlds, how they prepare us for life and how they stay by our side when we grow up. Indeed, we all have the right to enjoy books, but we don’t all have access to them. About 50 children from placement centres want very much to read, they enjoy reading, but cannot do it. Because we can, I say let’s change this!

Let’s help Patricia set up small libraries for these young and less fortunate people. Let’s talk about mylibrary, your library and how we can help them have their library.

We’re sure you have at least one book you will not read anymore….or maybe more than one. Books that tell their age, dusty and yellow, but which don’t deserve to be thrown away or to be forgotten in an attick. Books that can be shared. So donate! There are many ways you can do it. The easiest would be to show up at Bookfest between June 9 and 13, to meet Patricia and the young people helping her in this project.

This project is developed together with the Student Association “Philos”, General Directorate for Social Services and Child Protection for the 3rd District of Bucharest and Anotimpul 5, with the support of Bookfest.

We are inviting you to track their efforts and help them!

Premiera: Eco-teatruFirst audition: Eco-theatre

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Daca nu ati reusit sa veniti sa ne vedeti, nicio grija. Am facut multe fotografii, iar pe unele le-am urcat pe Flickr.

Desigur, daca doriti sa vedeti ce altceva am mai facut la ONG Fest, va rugam sa vizitati Copacul dorintelor din hartie reciclata si Eschimosii.

In case you did not make it to see us perform, no worries. We took many photos, some of which we uploaded on Flickr.

Of course,if you wish to see what else we have been doing at ONG Fest, please visit our Wish Tree made of recycled paper and the Eschimos.

Comunicat de presa ARET 3 mai 2010: Eco-teatru la ONG FestARET Press release May 3rd 2010: Eco-theatre at ONG Fest

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Bucuresti, 3 mai 2010 – Asociatia Romana pentru Educatia Tinerilor (ARET) anunta premiera primului proiect de eco-teatru din Romania ce va fi jucata sambata 8 mai, la orele 13:00 in Piata Unirii din Bucuresti in cadrul ONG Fest.

Piesa, „Pe gheata subtire”, este un proiect marca CeasulCuc, ce apartine ARET, si va fi jucata de liceeni si tineri voluntari cu varsta cuprinsa intre 15-24 de ani. Cu totii suntem entuziasmati de promovarea responsabilitatii fata de oameni si fata de mediu.

Evenimentul a fost organizat in colaborare cu Teen Media si Colegiul National „Gheorghe Lazar” din Bucuresti.

Aceasta piesa combina educatia ecologica si arta in incercarea de a depasi bariere si de a identifica noi cai de comunicare cu tinerii, de a forma spiritul civic prin metodele participative ale teatrului.

Subiectul piesei il constituie cauzele si efectele schimbarilor climatice, impactul asupra mediului pe care il avem chiar in fata ochilor si responsabilitatea fiecaruia dintre noi de a schimba ceva.

La scurt timp dupa premiera din cadrul festivalului, trupa de teatru va pleca intr-un turneu de prezentare a spectacolului in scoli, in licee si in cadrul altor evenimente educative precum scoli de vara pe care le desfasoara asociatiile partenere ARET,  pe plan local sau in zonele invecinate.

Obiectivul Asociatiei este atat de a comunica anumite mesaje referitoare la protejarea mediului, cat si de a dezvolta abilitatile tinerilor voluntari de a aborda in mod creativ o problema actuala.

Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi la premiera pentru a vedea rezultatul eforturilor tinerilor voluntari.

Mai multe informatii pe si

A.R.E.T. reprezinta un grup de tineri adunati in jurul unei idei: o lume mai buna si mai curata prin intermediul educatiei. Credem ca educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilor si ca depinde de fiecare dintre noi!Bucharest, May 3rd 2010 – Romanian Association for Youth Education (ARET) announces the premiere of the first eco-theatre project in Romania. The play will be performed on May 8th, at 13:00 in Piata Unirii in Bucharest, during ONG Fest.

The play “On thin ice” is an ARET project and it will be interpreted by high school students and young volunteers between the ages of 15 and 24. We are all very excited about promoting social and environmental responsibility.

This event was organised together with TeenMedia and “Gheorghe Lazar” National College of Bucharest.

This play is a combination of ecological education and art, in an attempt to cross barriers and identify new communication channels with the youth, and to inspire citizenship through the participative methods of theatre.

The story of the play concerns the causes and effects of climate change, the impact we have on the environment every day and our responsibility to change things.

Shortly after the premiere at the festival, the team of actors will perform a tour to present the play in schools and highschools, during educational events such as summer schools organised by partners of ARET, locally or in the surrounding areas.

The objective of the Association is to communicate specific messages concerning the protection of the environment and to develop young actors’ abilities to approach a current issue in a creative manner.

You are invited at the premiere to witness the result of our efforts.

More information on and

A.R.E.T. reprezents a group of young people gathered around an idea: a better and cleaner world through education. We believe education is key to youth involvement and that it depends on each of us! are blog! has a blog!

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Dragi prieteni,

Acest anunt este dedicat acelora dintre voi care doresc sa il citeasca.

Daca va doriti mult mult de tot o schimbare in viata voastra, in jurul vostru, in tara, daca va doriti sa luati parte la schimbare, daca va caracterizeaza sau vreti sa va caracterizeze responsabilitatea si initiativa, atunci puneti mana pe informatie!

S-a lansat blogul Lumea Educatiei. Pe acest blog minunat si colorat puteti gasi de acum cuvinte, propozitii, paragrafe, pagini, categorii, toate legate intre ele de etichete cum ar fi protejarea mediului, reducerea consumului, energie, paduri, discriminare, protejarea sanatatii si multe altele pe care nu le mai spun ca sunt prea multe.

Instructiuni de folosire a blogului:

1.necesita cunoasterea literelor alfabetului (toate) si deosebirea dintre click dreapta si click stanga acceseaza in maxim 2 zile de la primirea anuntului da mai departe (nu raspundem daca prietenii vostri afla ca stiati despre blog si nu le-ati spus) participa cu comentarii! (vezi punctul 1)

Va asteptam cu mare drag pe Blog!

Echipa,  23 Martie 2010Dear friends,

This announcement is meant for those of you interested in reading it.

If you really really want to change something in your life, around you, in the country, if you want to become part of the change, if responsibility and initiative are words that describe you, then hold on to this information!

We just launched Lumea Educatiei Blog. This wonderful and colorful blog contains words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, categories, all of them linked by labels such as protecting the environment, reducing consumption, forests, discrimination, protecting our health and others too many to include here.

How to use the blog:

  1. It requires knowing the letters of the alphabet (all of them) and being able to tell right-click from left-click.
  2. It needs to be accessed in maximum 2 days after receiving this notice.
  3. It is meant to be forwarded. (if your friends find out you knew about it and did not share it with them, we cannot be held responsible for the consequences)
  4. It requires your participation and comments! (see point 1)

We are looking forward to seeing you at Blog!

The Team,  March 23rd, 2010

Educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilorEducation is key to youth involvement

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Murdarie, mirosuri urate si gaze toxice. Fie ca le aruncam noi direct, fie ca sunt purtate de apa de ploaie sau rauri, multe din deseurile noastre ajung in mare, distrugand echilibrul ecosistemelor si afectand calitatea apei

Rezultatul oricaror decizii de astazi cade pe umarul generatiilor viitoare.
Prin proiectul dorim sa implicam tinerii cat mai activ in negocierile asupra mediului si schimbarilor climatice.

Am dezvoltat acest proiect pentru ca tinerii sa inteleaga care sunt pericolele de astazi si ce trebuie facut, sa inteleaga rolul dezvoltarii durabile. Tinerii trebuie sa cunoasca si sa previna impacturile propriilor actiuni si ale schimbarilor climatice de astazi. Tot ei trebuie sa incurajeze schimbarile de atitudine si comportament necesare pentru a aduce lumea noastra pe un drum mai bun, durabil.

Educatia este cheia implicarii tinerilor si depinde de tine! Ia atitudine pentru mediu azi!
Directioneaza 2% din impozitul pe venit in educatia pentru dezvoltare durabila.

Echipa,  18 februarie 2010Waste, bad smells and toxic gases. Either caused by us directly or carried by rain water or rivers, a lot of our waste ends up in the sea, destroying the balance of ecosystems and affecting water quality.

The result of any decisions taken today will fall upon the shoulders of next generations.
The goal of our project,, is to support youth in becoming actively involved in the negotiations regarding the environment and climate change.

We developed this project to support youth in better understanding today’s threats and the actions needed, to understand the role of sustainable development. Young people need to know and prevent the impact of their own actions and of climate changes. They also need to encourage the attitude and behavior changes required to bring our world on a better, more sustainable path.

Education is key for youth involvement and it depends on you! Take a stand for the environment today!
Direct 2% from the tax on income towards education for sustainable development.

The Team,  February 18th, 2010

E gata! is ready!

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Incepand de astazi, va oferim multe informatii, experimente si quiz-uri despre mediu, drepturile omului si sanatate pe Lumea Educatiei, proiect ce a pornit de la viziunea ca educatia pentru dezvoltare durabila este un drept al omului!

  • Dreptul la educatie
  • Dreptul de a face parte din generatia viitoare
  • Dreptul la o viata de calitate asa cum exista si astazi

Participarea tinerilor + Pasiune = Miscare Sociala
Participarea Tinerilor + Pasiune + EDUCATIE = Cheia Schimbarii

Succesul acestui proiect depinde de implicarea si suportul a cat mai multor persoane, dascali, tineri, reprezentanti ai societatii civile si alte persoane care doresc sa schimbe lumea. Printre actiunile ce vor fi desfasurate se numara dezvoltarea de resurse educative precum planuri de lectie pentru activitati scolare, jocuri si experimente pe teme de mediu si multe altele.

Va asteptam pe!

Echipa,  28 ianuarie 2010Starting today we are offering you lots of information, experiments and quizzes related to the environment, human rights and health, at Lumea Educatiei. The project started from the vision that education for sustainable development is a human right!

  • The right to education
  • The right to be part of the next generation
  • The right to a quality life, such as today

Youth involvement + Passion = Social action


Youth involvement + Passion + EDUCATION = The key to change

The success of this project depends on the involvement and support of as many people as possible, educators, young people, civil society representatives and other people that want to change the world. Among our activities we can mention the development of educational resources such as lesson plans for school activities, games, environmental experiments and many more.

We are waiting for you at!

The Team,  January 28th, 2010