“Cartile trebuie sa faca parte din viata fiecaruia.”“Books should be part of everyone’s life.”

Sunt cuvintele Patriciei, noua noastra prietena pe care vrem sa o cunoasteti si voi.  Este o fata tanara, plina de initiativa si care vrea sa schimbe lumea incetul cu incetul, incepand cu sectorul 3 din Bucuresti.

Patricia ne vorbeste despre carti, despre rolul important pe care il joaca in viata noastra. Despre cum ele ne introduc in lumi de basm, despre cum ne pregatesc pentru viata si cum ne sunt aproape atunci cand suntem mari. Da, cu totii avem dreptul sa ne bucuram de carti, dar nu cu totii avem acces le ele. Aproximativ 50 de copii proveniti din centre de plasament isi doresc foarte mult sa citeasca, le place, dar nu au acces la lectura. Pentru ca putem, eu va propun sa schimbam acest lucru!

Haideti sa o ajutam pe Patricia sa amenajeze mici biblioteci pentru acesti copii si tineri mai putin norocosi. Haideti sa vorbim despre biblioteca mea, biblioteca voastra si cum ii putem ajuta pe ei sa aibe biblioteca lor.

Sigur aveti o carte pe care nu o mai cititi…sau mai multe. Carti ce isi arata varsta, carti cu colturile indoite, dar care nu merita aruncate sau uitate in pod. Carti ce pot fi daruite. Donati asadar! Sunt multe moduri de o face. Cel mai simplu este sa veniti la Bookfest in perioada 9-13 iunie si sa o cunoasteti pe Patricia si pe tinerii care i s-au alaturat in acest proiect.

Acest proiect este desfasurat impreuna cu Asociatia Studentească “Philos”, Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala pentru Protectia Copilului sector 3 si Anotimpul 5, cu sustinerea Bookfest.

Va invitam sa ii urmariti pas cu pas si sa ii ajutati!

These are the words of Patricia, our new friend we would like you to meet. She’s young, full of initiative and wants to slowly change the world, starting with the 3rd district of Bucharest.

Patricia came to us to talk about books and of the important role they play in our lives. How they introduce us to fairytale worlds, how they prepare us for life and how they stay by our side when we grow up. Indeed, we all have the right to enjoy books, but we don’t all have access to them. About 50 children from placement centres want very much to read, they enjoy reading, but cannot do it. Because we can, I say let’s change this!

Let’s help Patricia set up small libraries for these young and less fortunate people. Let’s talk about mylibrary, your library and how we can help them have their library.

We’re sure you have at least one book you will not read anymore….or maybe more than one. Books that tell their age, dusty and yellow, but which don’t deserve to be thrown away or to be forgotten in an attick. Books that can be shared. So donate! There are many ways you can do it. The easiest would be to show up at Bookfest between June 9 and 13, to meet Patricia and the young people helping her in this project.

This project is developed together with the Student Association “Philos”, General Directorate for Social Services and Child Protection for the 3rd District of Bucharest and Anotimpul 5, with the support of Bookfest.

We are inviting you to track their efforts and help them!