Copii care lupta pentru o lume mai bunaChildren fighting for a better world

Copiii din comuna Ciocanesti, Dambovita, ne-au impresionat. Ne-au aratat ca le pasa de natura si de comunitatea in care traiesc. Si nu numai ca le pasa, in fiecare zi isi dau silinta sa o faca mai buna.

Impreuna cu dascalii lor, la initativa ApEAL, cu sprijinul autoritatilor locale si a companiilor care au crezut in ei, au participat la multe actiuni de ecologizare in zona satului: au curatat zone si parcul comunei, au amenajat gradini in curtile scolilor, au plantat peste 1600 de pomi si au demarat un amplu proiect de reciclare.

Cea mai noua dorinta a lor? Isi doresc un centru cultural! Impreuna cu primaria Ciocanesti, ApEAL a ‚adoptat’ Caminul Cultural si lupta pentru a-l transforma intr-un centru de resurse pentru comunitate. Ce vad ei in viitor? Proiectii de filme, seri culturale, biblioteca si sala de lectura. Toate sunt acum doar la un pas de a deveni realitate, cu ajutorul fiecaruia dintre noi.

Ne-am propus sa ii ajutam. Pentru ca ei lupta pentru o lume mai buna, noi vom lupta pentru ei. Alaturi de ApEAL , ne dorim ca acest camin cultural sa devina un centru cultural-educativ la care copiii si tinerii sa aiba acces si dupa terminarea orelor de la scoala.

Astfel, pentru centrul cultural mai este nevoie de:

  • 1 videoproiector pentru organizarea proiectiilor de filme
  • 2 mese si scaune
  • carti pentru sala de lectura
  • 2 calculatoare

Si, pentru ca multi dintre ei provin din familii asistate social, ajutam ApEAL cu organizarea unor colecte de haine, atat pentru copii, cat si pentru familiile lor.

The children from Ciocanesti, Dambovita, impressed us with their story. They showed us they care about the environment and their community. And not only do they care, each day they try really hard to make it better.

With their teachers, with the support of ApEAL, local authorities and companies that believed in them, the children participated in various ecological activities in their village: they cleaned many areas and the local park, they set up gardens in their schools’ yards, they planted over 1600 trees and started a big recycling project.

Their newest wish? A cultural centre! Together with the city hall, ApEAL ‘adopted’ the Cultural Centre and is trying to transform it into a resource centre for the community. What do they see when they look into the future? Movie screenings, cultural evenings, a library and reading room. All this is one step away from becoming a reality, with the help of each of us.

We decided to help them. Because they are fighting for a better world, we are fighting for them. Together with ApEAL, we want this cultural centre to become a cultural-educational centre to which children and young people to have access to, after school hours.

As such, for this cultural centre we still need:

  • 1 video projector to organize movie screenings
  • 2 tables and chairs
  • books for the reading room
  • 2 computers

And, because many of them come from socially aided families, we are helping ApEAL to organize clothes collection days for children, as well as for their families.