O sutaOne hundred


este facut dintr-o suta.

Copilul are

o suta de limbi

o suta de maini

o suta de ganduri

o suta de moduri de a gandi

de a se juca, de a vorbi.

O suta intotdeauna o suta

de moduri de a asculta

de a se minuna de a iubi

o suta de bucurii

de a canta si de a intelege

o suta de lumi

de a descoperi

o suta de lumi

de a inventa

o suta de lumi

de a visa.

Copilul are

o suta de limbi

(si o suta de sute mai multe)

dar ei fura 99.

Scoala si cultura

separa mintea de corp.

Ii spun copilului:

sa gandeasca fara maini

sa faca fara cap

sa asculte fara sa vorbeasca

sa inteleaga fara bucurie

sa iubeasca si sa se minuneze

doar de Paste si de Craciun.

Ii spun copilului:

sa descopere lumea care este aici

si dintr-o suta

fura 99.

Ii spun copilului:

ca munca si joaca

realitatea si fantezia

stiinta si imaginatia

cerul si pamantul

ratiunea si visul

sunt lucruri

ce nu-si au locul impreuna.

Si astfel ii spun copilului

ca suta nu este acolo.

Copilul spune:

Nicicum. Suta este acolo.

(Loris Malaguzzi)

The child

is made of one hundred.

The child has

a hundred languages

a hundred hands

a hundred thoughts

a hundred ways of thinking

of playing, of speaking.

A hundred always a hundred

ways of listening

of marveling of loving

a hundred joys

for singing and understanding

a hundred worlds

to discover

a hundred worlds

to invent

a hundred worlds

to dream.

The child has

a hundred languages

(and a hundred hundred more)

but they steal ninety-nine.

The school and the culture

separate the head from the body.

They tell the child:

to think without hands

to do without head

to listen and not to speak

to understand without joy

to love and to marvel

only at Easter and Christmas.

They tell the child:

to discover the world already there

and of the hundred

they steal ninety-nine.

They tell the child:

that work and play

reality and fantasy

science and imagination

sky and earth

reason and dream

are things

that do not belong together.

And thus they tell the child

that the hundred is not there.

The child says:

No way. The hundred is there.

(Loris Malaguzzi)

One Response to “O sutaOne hundred

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ceasulcuc, ARET. ARET said: Copilul este facut dintr-o suta http://aret.ro/noutati/?p=53 [...]