Impreuna facem educatie!Together we make education happen!

Miercuri am lansat cu mare bucurie un proiect la care am lucrat cu totii cu mare spor in ultimele luni – Programul Sustin Educatia, un program national de micro-finantari pentru proiecte educationale, destinat in intregime cadrelor didactice.

Sustin Educatia este un program ce se adreseaza educatorilor, invatatorilor si profesorilor din scolile publice din Romania, dornici de a oferi copiilor conditii mai bune de studiu, prin obtinerea de finantari provenite din donatii private. Proiectul se adreseaza in acelasi timp tuturor persoanelor, organizatiilor si institutiilor din Romania care pot ajuta si isi doresc sa sprijine realizarea propiectelor propuse de dascali, prin donatii bancare, ePayment, prin mandat postal sau directionarea 2%.

Educatia de calitate este posibila si depinde de fiecare dintre noi.

Proiectele eligibile in cadrul Programului Sustin Educatia: pot fi din orice domeniu (matematica, literatura, fizica, ecologie, muzica, sport, etc.), de oriunde din tara, pot cuprinde o gama larga de resurse (carti, planse, echipament de laborator, machete, mulaje, softuri educationale, etc.), se pot adresa copiilor cu nevoi speciale, si pot cuprinde activitati educative formale, cat si non-formale.

Este un program initiat de A.R.E.T. in parteneriat cu Asociatia Invictus si aduce la un loc oameni si organizatii din mai multe domenii care doresc sa faca educatie. Cu totii dorim sa facem viitorul prin educatia copiilor.

Sunt multe de spus despre program, dar cel mai important este ca vine ca un raspuns pentru copiii care vor sa-nvete si pentru dascalii care vor sa-i ajute! Tot ce ne ramane noua de facut este sa rasfoim propunerile lor, sa alegem ce proiect dorim sa sustinem si sa donam atat cat putem.

Impreuna facem educatie!

On Wednesday we launched with great joy a project we have been working on for months – the Program I Support Education, a national program of micro-grants for educational projects.

I Support Education is a program aimed entirely at educators, teachers and professors in public schools in Romania, who wish to offer children a better teaching environment, by obtaining private funding. At the same time, the program is addressing all people, organisations and institutions in Romania that can help and want to support the educational projects proposed by teachers, through donations by bank transfers, ePayment, postal office or directing 2% of taxes.

Quality education is possible and depends on each of us!

Eligible projects for I Support Education Program can be from any field (math, literature, physics, ecology, music, sports, etc.), from anywhere in the country, can address a wide variety of resources (books, lab equipment, boards, models, educational software, etc.), can address children with special needs and can comprise both formal and non formal educational activities.

The program is initiated by A.R.E.T. in partnership with Invictus Association and it brings together people and organisations from many fields that want to make education happen. We all want to make the future through youth education.

There’s lots to say about the program, but the most important thing is that it comes as a response to children that want to learn and to teachers that want to help them! All we have to do is go through their proposals, choose a project we want to support and donate as much as we can.

Together we can make education happen!