Educatia de calitate intr-adevar este astazi gratuita pentru cei ce doresc sa o obtina si au uneltele necesare pentru a o obtine. Cu un calculator si o conexiune la internet, orice profesor sau elev are acces neingradit la carti, documentare, articole de specialitate, cursuri audio-video si comunitati dedicate schimbului de idei, pentru a-si imbogati cunostintele si a-si satisface curiozitatea.
Departe de a fi o lista exhaustiva, impartasim cu voi cateva dintre descoperirile noastre, resurse educative gratuite pentru elevi si profesori.
In Romania:
- este probabil site-ul cel mai bogat in resurse pentru profesori.
- British Council ofera o platforma si resurse pentru invatarea limbii engleze.
- Fundatia Potaissa ofera cateva manuale, ghiduri si alte publicatii educative non-formale cu privire la protejarea mediului.
- Revista Stiinta si Tehnica ofera de toate din domeniul stiintelor.
De prin lume si in limba engleza:
- Questia este o biblioteca online gratuita cu peste 77 000 de titluri de carti si 4 milioane de articole care asteapta sa fie rasfoite.
- Open University, dupa cum arata si numele, este o universitate online gratuita din Marea Britanie, deschisa studentilor de pretutindeni, cu o gama foarte variata de cursuri si resurse.
- Cele mai bune universitati din lume ofera acces gratuit la cunostintele profesorilor lor prin cursuri audio/video in domenii foarte variate! Astfel de cursuri, dezbateri, discutii, prezentari sunt oferite direct de Harvard, Yale, MIT sau Berkeley.
- Open Culture centralizeaza cursurile gratuite despre care povestim mai sus, oferind intr-un singur loc 385 de cursuri online gratuite de la universitati de top.
- Tot Open Culture centralieaza si sute de cursuri de invatare a unei limbi straine.
- SciCentral este o alta sursa de informare si de resurse in domeniul stiintelor.
Dupa cum spuneam, lista nu-i gata. Sugestiile pentru completarea ei sunt mai mult decat binevenite! Quality education is indeed free and possible today for anyone wishing & willing and who has the necessary tools to obtain it. With one computer and one internet connexion, any teacher or student has free access to books, documentaries, journal articles, audio-video courses and to online communities to exchage ideas. All that is required to expand knowledge or satisfy curiosity.
Far from being complete, we want to share a list of our discoveries, free educational resources for teachers and students.
In Romania:
- is probably the largest and most dedicated website with resources for teachers.
- British Council offers a platform and resources for anyone wishing to study English.
- Fundatia Potaissa offers some manuals, guides and other non-formal publications concerning the environment and its preservation.
- Stiinta si Tehnica magazine offers everything needed in the science field
From around the world and in English:
- Questia is a free online library with over 77 000 book titles and 4 million articles just waiting to be read.
- Open University, as the name reveals, is a free online university from the UK, open to students everywhere, with a diverse range of courses and resources.
- The world’s best universities now offer free acces to their professors’ knowledge, through audio/video lectures on a wide range of topics! Such courses, debates, discussions, presentations are offered directly by Harvard, Yale, MIT or Berkeley.
- Open Culture centralizes the free online courses mentioned above, listing about 385 free online courses from top universities, all in one place.
- Open Culture also centralizes hundreds of courses for the study of a foreign language.
- SciCentral is another source of information and resources in the science field.
As already said, the list is not finished. Suggestions for adding to it are more than welcome!